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Band Notes

Winter Break Edition

I hope you enjoyed the December 13th evening of music - jazz and dinner followed by the 7pm "Unity" winter concert. It was incredibly rewarding for me and I felt honored to conduct this group of student musicians!

Below are some important things to have information on - no action needed until we return from break - HAPPY WINTER BREAK and HOLIDAYS TO YOU!!

Thank you, Thank you!

Our Bandwagon (band booster club) provided an awesome dinner during our dinner-social hour from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. They also provided hot chocolate and cookies on Tuesday evening after the 7pm winter concert! Special shout out to Carrie Babcock and her dedication to this band community! She shopped and prepared that dinner - just imagine pushing that shopping cart around!

Please consider helping out and attending our future Bandwagon meetings. Our next meeting is January 10th at 7pm in the band room.


(Good stuff to start thinking about!)

  • SFMEA Solo and Ensemble - Feb 4

    • Required participation for Wind Ensemble members

      • It is NOT a requirement to play a solo, YES it is required to be in at least one performance entry (either a solo or an ensemble).

      • Many of the Wind Ensemble members will be assigned an ensemble to belong to by Mr. Lewis and/or Mr. Campbell

      • Members not assigned to an ensemble are free to put together a group they choose (duet, trio, quartet, etc)

      • Participation in ensembles is one-on-part configuration.

      • Click here for ensemble assignments (live, changing document)

      • Soloists - make sure you have contacted your piano accompanist! Click here for a list of a few piano accompanists.

    • Option participation for Symphonic Band members

  • Festival Travel and Fees

    • Click Here for our fees doc (more detail than the syllabus)

    • Use the page to find more details to each.

    • Fees will hit student ASB accounts shortly after Winter Break.

    • Please let me know if there are any errors.

  • Chaperone Application

  • Emergency and Permission Form

    • Click Here for PDF of Emergency and Permission Form that is needed from all students traveling at any point (EVERYONE should complete this)

COMING UP - Click here for calendar, Click here for events page

  • January 3rd - Basketball Pep Band, 5pm report, MHS

  • January 6th - Basketball Pep Band, 5pm report, MHS

  • January 10th

    • Basketball Pep Band, 5pm report, MHS

    • Bandwagon Meeting, 7pm, MHS Band Room

  • January 13th

    • Jazz - Clark College $ due ($125)

    • Seattle Trip $ due ($235)

Important Make Up Information

For those of you that could be missing assignments in PowerSchool, points can be made up! It is important to first take the mindset that we do have assignments and points are awarded. This includes playing tests, written assignments, rehearsals, performances, etc.

If you have an excused absence for an assignments, such as being ill, or a major family event or emergency, those points can be made up. This does include rehearsals and performances outside the school day. Similar to missing English, Math, or other assignments, those must be made up. Please check with Mr. Lewis on how to make those up. In general, missed rehearsals and performances (if excused) can be made up by selecting a solo that will take you about the same amount of time missed. This includes the practice and preparation of the material, as well as the few minutes it will take to perform it for the class.

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