Fittingly, we saw the 1st of December bring in some snow on Friday! Last week was, and this week in front of us will be, pretty light with evening activities. However, next week (12/11 to 12/17) we'll ramp things up a bit for prep and our performance of the winter concert. Don't forget to check the calendar - Only 2 weeks and 2 days before winter break - We got this!
My apologies for a lot of material in this edition, but we do have some things that need your attention. I will also throw these out in separate Band App posts to give them some separation and reinforcement.
Regional Solo & Ensemble Registration
CLICK HERE for a list of current entries into the SFMEA Regional Solo & Ensemble contest.
CLICK HERE for an annual document with general information about this event.
Please let me know of additional ensembles that need to be added!
Please make sure you are securing a piano accompanist. (Those interested in competing for a state berth should not be performing without piano accompanists unless your piece of music is specifically written without one).
Marching Band and Color Guard Fees
Most important here is to pay those fees! I will be sending a separate email to those that have fines for MBCG, but your student will be able to help see these by logging into PowerSchool and using the "Purchases and Payments" button. Click on the students name once in InTouch to see receipts, fines, fees, payments, etc. You can use this area to pay those fines as well. THANK YOU for taking care of this!
We have already paid marching season bills/invoices and have started to pay deposits towards our So Cal trip. Any unpaid fines from marching band means we have borrowed from fundraisers to pay those marching band bills.
So Cal '24 Traveler List and Fees
CLICK HERE or a current list of travelers. We did pass around a list in class prior to Thanksgiving to double check intentions (to avoid leaving anyone out or purchase trips for those not traveling). PLEASE let me know ASAP if you see a correction needing to be made.
We do remain committed to helping as many students as we can! Couple things ...
PLEASE don't forget to help yourself as well. We've always had a bit of a help-us-help-you approach. Show us your desire to attend these wonderful events by jumping into as many fundraisers as you can! (work an extra shift, attend the fundraisers, stay in communication, shovel driveways, help your parents around the house, etc).
ALSO - please begin to let me know how much you might need help (a dollar amount). We really do need to begin crunching numbers on the reality of how much help we can provide.
Term 2 Grades (12 week)
Term 2 came to a close on Friday, December 1. PowerSchool should be up to date. Please connect with me if you need to make up an assignment (community service, playing assignment, concert, etc).
THIS WEEK - 12/4 to 12/10
Another week with nothing scheduled for band events or activities after school - We'll continue our in-class preparation of our music for the December 14th concert!
PLEASE practice! It is amazing what we can accomplish as people when we spend some time working on a skill! Any, and every, sports team would credit a huge part of their success to the individuals that spend time strengthening and developing individual skill. It is no different in our activity! The constant attention to improving your individual abilities outside of our group rehearsals makes US a much better band!
December 11 - ALL BANDS rehearsal for holiday concert, MHS Band Room
5:30pm to 6:30pm - Wind Ensemble members
6:30pm to 7:30pm - Symphonic Band members
note: - we'll do our best to be done as soon as we can with Symphonic Band in case any students are interested in attending Eggnog Evening at MHS (winter talent show)
December 13 -
ALL BANDS rehearsal for holiday concert, MHS Band Room
5:30pm to 6:30pm - Wind Ensemble members
6:30pm to 7:30pm - Symphonic Band members
Dine out – Dec 13
Crave Cookies
513 E. Hastings
Wednesday 12/13
Let them know you’re with Mead band.
December 14 - ALL BANDS Holiday Concert at Mead HS Theatre, 7pm
5:30pm Pre concert dinner and Jazz 1 Performance - Check out THIS LINK to RSVP for our pre concert dinner! This is an awesome community builder and provided by the Bandwagon!
Solo/Ensemble contest is February 3rd; registrations happen soon.
Required for Wind Ensemble (part assignments will be coming out soon),
Required for Advanced Percussion (Blur),
Optional for Intermediate Percussion (will decide as a group).
Optional for Symphonic Band students (let me know if you want to participate)
Missing assignments - don't forget if you've missed assignments such as concert performances, community service, baked goods, etc, it is the responsibility of the student to check with me on ways to make these up.
Basketball Pep Band - always a student favorite (fun music, indoors, etc :D). Keep on the lookout for signups to ensure we have the instrumentation needed to keep this a volunteer activity! We will likely begin paying at games in January; after the winter break.