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Band Notes

Band Notes 10/16 to 10/22

What an incredible day yesterday! Although our marching band didn't have the competitive day they were hoping for, our MHS Band community was awesome in so many ways! I can't say thank you enough to everyone that was involved throughout Saturday's competition; from the marching band students and chaperones to everyone that volunteered with concessions, parking, ticketing, setting up, judge-running (oh man those steps!), and more.

I'm most proud and honored by all of the wonderful compliments I received from the NWAPA administrator onsite, the visiting band directors and staffs, and the spectators about our incredible, friendly parent and student volunteers. THANK YOU so much for helping create a very special special to work and for students to belong!

Special thanks to Mark Rodewald for his countless hours taking the lead on this one! Have I mentioned he doesn't have a student in the program anymore?? That's how much he believes in the activity and band community!

Fundraiser coming up next ... the Mead Bandwagon Craft Fair! November 11 & 12. Students will sign up in the next couple of weeks to work a shift.


6 week grades are in the books! Here's a repeat of last week's info regarding what went into this first 6 week term together. PLEASE remember that these are only a checkpoint. None of these are final. Many more points to be earned before things are "permanent" on a transcript at the end of January which is the end of the 1st semester. And yes, you can still turn in those missing assignments.

  • 6 week grades - In the gradebook .....

    • Daily Participation (are you prepared everyday? Participating and Paying attention??)

    • Minor Etude Playing Assignment - uploaded to your Google Folder

    • Course Documents Google Form - HERE


  • Monday 10/16

    • MBCG Rehearsal -3pm to 6pm, MHS

  • Tuesday 10/17

    • MBCG Rehearsal - 3pm to 6pm, MHS

  • Thursday 10/19

    • MBCG Rehearsal - 3pm to 6pm, MHS

    • So Cal Information Meeting - 7pm, MHS

  • Friday 10/20

    • MBCG head off to Harvest Marching Band Festival in Yakima, WA.

      • CLICK HERE for the shows website (spectator info, etc).

      • Friday departure sometime between 5pm and 6pm

      • Sunday return approx. 2pm.

      • Stay tuned for detailed itinerary from Mr. Campbell


  • October 21 - MBCG at Yakima/Zaepfel Stadium

  • October 28 - MBCG at Pullman/WSU Martin Stadium

  • November 1 - Jazz bands at Whitworth for SFMEA Festival (school day)

  • November 7 - ALL band members Fall/Veterans Day Concert, 7pm, MHS

  • November 11 & 12 - Craft Fair at Mead HS. (Bandwagon fundraiser)

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