What an incredible day yesterday! Although our marching band didn't have the competitive day they were hoping for, our MHS Band community was awesome in so many ways! I can't say thank you enough to everyone that was involved throughout Saturday's competition; from the marching band students and chaperones to everyone that volunteered with concessions, parking, ticketing, setting up, judge-running (oh man those steps!), and more.
I'm most proud and honored by all of the wonderful compliments I received from the NWAPA administrator onsite, the visiting band directors and staffs, and the spectators about our incredible, friendly parent and student volunteers. THANK YOU so much for helping create a very special special to work and for students to belong!
Special thanks to Mark Rodewald for his countless hours taking the lead on this one! Have I mentioned he doesn't have a student in the program anymore?? That's how much he believes in the activity and band community!
Fundraiser coming up next ... the Mead Bandwagon Craft Fair! November 11 & 12. Students will sign up in the next couple of weeks to work a shift.
6 week grades are in the books! Here's a repeat of last week's info regarding what went into this first 6 week term together. PLEASE remember that these are only a checkpoint. None of these are final. Many more points to be earned before things are "permanent" on a transcript at the end of January which is the end of the 1st semester. And yes, you can still turn in those missing assignments.
6 week grades - In the gradebook .....
Daily Participation (are you prepared everyday? Participating and Paying attention??)
Minor Etude Playing Assignment - uploaded to your Google Folder
Course Documents Google Form - HERE
Monday 10/16
MBCG Rehearsal -3pm to 6pm, MHS
Tuesday 10/17
MBCG Rehearsal - 3pm to 6pm, MHS
Thursday 10/19
MBCG Rehearsal - 3pm to 6pm, MHS
So Cal Information Meeting - 7pm, MHS
Friday 10/20
MBCG head off to Harvest Marching Band Festival in Yakima, WA.
CLICK HERE for the shows website (spectator info, etc).
Friday departure sometime between 5pm and 6pm
Sunday return approx. 2pm.
Stay tuned for detailed itinerary from Mr. Campbell
CONCERTS & PERFORMANCES COMING UP! - meadbands.org/calendar
October 21 - MBCG at Yakima/Zaepfel Stadium
October 28 - MBCG at Pullman/WSU Martin Stadium
November 1 - Jazz bands at Whitworth for SFMEA Festival (school day)
November 7 - ALL band members Fall/Veterans Day Concert, 7pm, MHS
November 11 & 12 - Craft Fair at Mead HS. (Bandwagon fundraiser)