Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend everyone!
Last week our students were able to attend an assembly to celebrate the work of Dr. King, as well as be reminded that his work was important then, and continues to be an important responsibility for all of us in keeping up the pursuit of Civil Rights for all. Our speaker reminded the students that they are next; the next police officers, military members, judges, etc. I was impressed by our student body and their ability to put away devices and focus on the subject at hand (most of them :D).
I had such an incredibly fun time hanging with the pep band on Friday night. Always a spirited night full of energy, smiles, snacks and great music! We can't forget to say how cool the North Central student body was to cheer for our band after we played - they know great music when they hear it :D Pep Band Tuesday night (1/16) ... come join in the fun!
I shared with the classes that our budget for the So Cal trip currently comes in at $175K and some change (these numbers will fluctuate some based on final roster and some other figures that are a little fluid such as fuel prices for the semi, etc).
We currently have student fees collected just under $60K which means we are about one-third of the way. Those fees definitely need to start rolling in!! We are into mid January which puts that March 1st date just about 7 weeks away. Let's get that money ball rolling!
Want to help someone someone? Several parents have asked about helping students other than your own. If you are able to pay your student's full trip amount, and would like to help someone else, the simplest way is to make a deposit to their account with our ASB bookkeeper. Let her know the name of the student and that it is for the So Cal trip. You could even send a check with a note including the information. If you don't know a student in need, you could make a generic payment to the Band ASB with details for it to be deposited to the So Cal trip. Thank you so much for your generosity!!
Need help? Do you need help and are NOT a House Bill qualifier? Absolutely pay as much as you can and please communicate with Mr. Lewis about your need to ensure we can use our resources to help as much as we can. Qualify for House Bill? Absolutely pay as much as you can and get to fundraisers. Help us help you to ensure this trip is not cancelled!
January 16 - Basketball Pep Band, 5pm report, MHS
January 26 - Basketball Pep Band, 5pm report, MHS
January 30 - Basketball Pep Band, 5pm report, MHS
February 1- Solo & Ensemble Recital (select students TBA)
This is not a required event but an opportunity for many of our SFMEA S&E participants to get in a dress rehearsal of their music.
February 3 - Solo & Ensemble Regional Contest @ Rogers HS