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Band Notes

2023 - 2024 Starter Information

Hi Everyone! We are excited to be well into planning for the 2023-2024 school year. It will be another wonderful year full of memorable experiences and growth as players and people!

There will certainly be a TON of learning about the program and all of the details as we move forward for 23/24 however, here are just a couple things to think about as we start the process for next school year!


Please join us in our MHS music department on June 15th at 7pm for discussion about all things 2023/2024. Topics will include marching band season, fundraisers, the calendar for the year, special event travel and more!


If you haven't had a chance to register for band, you can still make that happen! Touch base with your Mead HS counselor as soon as you can. Simply let them know you would like to have band on your schedule. Along with audition results, I will work with Mr. Campbell and Mr. Comstock for placement into the correct class.


If you are interested in being in our 23/24 Wind Ensemble or Advanced Percussion ("varsity" groups), please CLICK HERE for details about the audition process for Wind Ensemble or Advanced Percussion. CLICK HERE for the Google folder containing the music.

Jazz auditions will take place in the fall when school resumes. No need to worry about those at the moment. Please spend the summer hitting camps, practicing and getting ready to swing hard in the fall!

Which class should I sign up for?

Wind Ensemble - "varsity" concert band. Admitted through audition in May.

Symphonic Band - concert band open to all levels of musicians without audition.

Advanced Percussion - "varsity" percussion class. Admitted through audition in May.

Percussion class - open to all students interested in percussion without audition.

Jazz Band 1 - "varsity" jazz band setting. Admitted through audition in September

Jazz Band 2 - jazz band setting open to all levels of musicians without audition


Planning for the 2023 Mead Marching Band and Color Guard season is well under way. Here are a couple of important dates to put on your calendars!

  • June 15th, 7pm, Mead HS Music Dept - Band program 23/24 information meeting including details about marching band (calendar, cost, etc)

  • Aug 14th - start of band camp/two-a-day rehearsals for 23/24

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