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Band Notes

Band Notes 9/5 to 9/10 - Welcome to 23/24

Happy start of the 2023/2024 school year to everyone - it's going to be exciting with a lot of hard work and growth, performances, trips, friendships, and much much more. The first few weeks can be a little overwhelming with operational details in just about every one of your classes, including band. Keep things simple in band for now while we learn about many of the things we do; make sure you have a working instrument, and show up for class ready to learn about all the things :D. We'll be playing from our pep band binders this week which means many of you will want to have your marching instrument, or secondary instrument used for pep band.

In our first week or two together, we'll make sure we check for correct class placement, become familiar with our syllabus, schedule, fees, instrument needs, the band room, locker room, and much much more. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure you are connected to the Band App for releases of much of this information and almost daily updates especially through the first month or so of the year. Use THIS LINK to request entry into our Band Notes 23/24 group.

THIS WEEK - CLICK HERE for Band Calendar (also in Band App Events)

  • Tuesday, Sept 5

    • First day of school - NO JAZZ

    • No instruments needed in class (15 min class periods).

    • MBCG Rehearsal. 3pm to 6pm, MHS

  • Wednesday, Sept 6

    • Jazz meets zero hour! (and will continue to meet daily!)

  • Thursday, Sept 7

    • MBCG Football Game. 6:15pm report to Union

      • Required event for members of MBCG

      • 7pm kick off for game, end time approx. 10pm.

      • Likely horns and battery for pep music for this game.

      • Likely no color guard or pit required for this game (stay tuned for confirmation)

      • EVERY BAND STUDENT is highly encouraged to attend. Build those friendships and have fun playing pep band music at the game!

  • Saturday, Sept 9 - MBCG Rehearsal. 1pm to 9pm, Union Stadium

    • Required event for members of MBCG


Jazz band class will begin on the 2nd day of school due to the logistics of our first day schedule. Please check your email from our principal, Dr. Kimberly, Jensen regarding details for this first day. CLICK HERE for her "Panther Nation" information newsletter.

Regarding jazz, plan to report for class on the 2nd day of school by 7am. We will play through and learn about our audition process for the two levels of jazz bands we operate. Don't sweat it if jazz does not appear on your schedule yet. We will be taking attendance and passing that information onto the counseling department to get jazz band onto your schedule. Due to the audition process, you will not likely see that on your schedule for the 1st couple of weeks of school (some of you will be on my roster for Jazz Band 1, and some of you will be on Mr. Comstock's roster for Jazz Band 2).

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