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Performance Attire - Concert and Jazz

Student performers in the Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band 1 groups will be wearing school provided tuxedos and/or dresses.  These students will need to find nice dress shoes and black socks to wear along with the tux/dress.  Please wear closed-toed shoes!


Students performing in the Symphonic Band and Jazz Band 2 will need to acquire concert attire.  These students will need to wear black dress shoes and socks, black dress pants (not jeans), and a black long-sleeved button up collared shirt, OR a dress.  All attire must be school appropriate.  If students choose to wear a dress or skirt, they must extend beyond the knees while sitting.


We do have some extras and a crew of folks willing to help out if you are in need of financial assistance acquiring these items - just let me know privately!  Our goal is for EVERYONE on stage to look appropriate and professional for our concerts. Additionally, our music and sounds should be the focus of the event!


EXAMPLES - Below are some links to items that are appropriate for Symphonic Band and Jazz 2.  These links could also be used to purchase items if you are in need.



Black, long skirt CLICK HERE

Black, medium length skirt CLICK HERE

Black concert dress (same as Wind Ensemble students are wearing) CLICK HERE



Female cut, black, long sleeve button down shirt CLICK HERE

Female cut, black, business casual pants CLICK HERE

Men's long-sleeve button down CLICK HERE

Men's dress pants CLICK HERE

Tuxedo black shirt_edited.jpg
Geneva Concert Dress_edited.jpg
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